Judith Butler: Vice Chair & Chanctonbury Locality Rep


  • Locality: Chanctonbury

My name is Judith Butler and I represented Crawley on the WSPMA from 2016 to 2020. With my move to Billingshurst Surgery in January 2021 I transferred allegiance to represent the Chanctonbury locality.

I have been working as a Practice Manager since 2011 and prior to that I was a Business Manager in Public Health with the Strategic Health Authority (before Public Health transferred to Public Health England and NHSE were formed). Life at the SHA certainly didn’t prepare me for life as a Practice Manager and whenever I speak to anyone at NHSE (or even the CCG) I have to remind them that they have no idea of the breadth of what we do!

I am very excited about my future with Billingshurst Surgery and life beyond Crawley! The role of the Practice Manager has changed considerably since 2011 and I can only see it evolving more and more in the future.

West Sussex Practice Managers Association
c/o The Courtyard Surgery,
56 London Road, Horsham,
RH12 1AT

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